Price Match

What is our Price Match Guarantee

Our price match guarantee covers our products. We do it at the time of purchase and up to 60 days after a completed purchase. We do this because we want to bring you

  • the best products around,
  • at the best prices as well.

How Does it Work?

We have a process. To make sure we price match our competitors and continue to achieve this goal, we commit to our process. Price Matching our competitors is good for everyone. But first there are a couple of conditions that we must both meet for us to make this work.

Price Match Conditions

  1. SAME PRODUCT. The product must be exactly the same as the one offered from Low Cost Wire (model, colour, size, rating etc.)
  2. IN STOCK IN AUSTRALIA. The product must be in stock at both Low Cost Wire and one of our Australian competitors.
  3. SOLD IN SIMILAR CONDITIONS. Additionally, the final product price must include tracked shipping and tax costs (our price does :))  so we can make a direct comparison.
  4. SOLD ON A SIMILAR PLATFORM.  Price matching does not necessarily include products from auction sites, resellers or private listings and also excludes sale items, in-store promotions, discount code and special time limited offers. The principle is that any fool can give away products and therefore make us both go belly up… but we will try to match it!
  5. VERIFIABLE CONDITIONS and PRICE.  Its gotta’ be real 🙂 We absolutely have to be able to verify the price, availability, and conditions with the relevant competitor before we drop our price or give you a refund.

So if you think you have a relevant claim, chat with our Wire Guys now. 1300 601 514 or Send an Email