Imperial to Metric Conversion Chart


1/256″ 0.0039 0.0099
1/128″ 0.0078 0.0198
1/64″ 0.0156 0.0397
3/128″ 0.0234 0.0595
1/32″ 0.0313 0.7938
5/128″ 0.0391 0.0992
3/64″ 0.0469 1.1906
15/256″ 0.0586 1.4882
1/16″ 0.0625 1.5875
5/64″ 0.0781 1.9844
3/32″ 0.0938 2.3813
25/256″ 0.0977 2.4805
7/64″ 0.1094 2.7781
15/128″ 0.1172 2.9766
1/8″ 0.125 3.175
9/64″ 0.1406 3.5719
5/32″ 0.1563 3.9688
11/64″ 0.1719 4.3656
3/16″ 0.1875 4.7625
25/128″ 0.1953 4.9609
13/64″ 0.2031 5.1594
7/32″ 0.2188 5.5563
15/64″ 0.2344 5.9531
1/4″ 0.25 6.35
17/64″ 0.2656 6.7469
9/32″ 0.2813 7.1438
19/64″ 0.2969 7.5406
5/16″ 0.3125 7.9375
21/64″ 0.3281 8.3344
11/32″ 0.3438 8.7313
23/64″ 0.3594 9.1281
3/8″ 0.375 9.525
25/64″ 0.3906 9.9219
13/32″ 0.4063 10.3188
27/64″ 0.4219 10.7156
7/16″ 0.4375 11.1125
29/64″ 0.4531 11.5094
15/32″ 0.4688 11.9063
31/64″ 0.4844 12.3031
1/2″ 0.5 12.7
33/64″ 0.5156 13.0969
17/32″ 0.5313 13.4938
35/64″ 0.5469 13.8906
9/16″ 0.5625 14.2875
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