Hidden in this website are quite a few articles, guides, tables, and general ramblings of a depraved mind. This page is a guide and a key way into the mess. Its a constant place of hidden growth – like a tumor LOL – but this is where I keep things that are relevant to working with wire.
There are search boxes on the left:
- top one is for “products” and it searches both titles and descriptions
- bottom one is for “advice” and it too searches both titles and descriptions
Currently they are organized as:
- Intros: This set of pages serves to introduce a topic (if its technical) or provide an overview of something that is simple.
- Guides: This set of pages gives a general procedural guide to how to accomplish something.
- Specifications: These pages provide hard data on building regs or sizing, MBS, and details of various products
- Tables: And finally, these pages provide reference tables – like imperial to metric conversion and vice versa
And we have moved the Tensile Strength (MBS) links here